Thursday, June 24, 2010

Stop Stressing Over a Cheating Wife - Have an Expert Retrieve Deleted Text Messages

The story is all too familiar and has been heard by almost everyone, and it is the story of partners having a wife that has being sneaking behind his back, committing infidelity in the relationship. To make matters even worse, there are high-tech devices that have been made easily accessible such as cell phones, and they make it even easier for a cheating partner to engage in affairs right under the nose of the innocent party. Every single year there are more and more husbands that suspect that their wife is texting another man, and then getting rid of the evidence before her partner has a chance to find it. If only there was a way to retrieve deleted text messages!

Due to advancements that have been made in technology, there is an effective way for innocent partners to undelete text messages. A cell phone forensic investigation is a unique service that is performed by experts that have the knowledge and experience to retrieve deleted text messages and various other forms of data that your partner may have removed from her cellular device in an attempt to keep infidelity she is engaging in under wrap. Other forms of data that can also be recovered would include the following:

* SMS messages
* Sext messages
* Videos
* Pictures and graphics
* Caller ID
* Address book
* Names and telephone numbers of contacts
* Email addresses
* Call records that contain details about the duration and times of calls that have been made and received
* Other deleted text

The important thing to remember is to not try any of the over-the-counter SIM card readers, as this is a great way to completely destroy the very data that you are trying to recover. With the countless models of cell phones available today, it is almost impossible to get lucky enough to find a SIM card reader that will work efficiently with a specific cellular device. When you send your cell phone or blackberry to experts that know how to retrieve deleted text and have thousands of dollars in expensive tools, they generally have to try several different tools before finding the one that works with a particular phone.

One of the biggest advantages of consulting with an expert in the field of cell phone forensic investigations is it only takes a matter or 48 hours or less before you will receive a disk that holds all of the incriminating data that you will need. When you catch your wife texting another man and you would like the perfect opportunity to confront her, leave it to the experts to retrieve deleted text.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>
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